Notification templates can be declared anywhere inside of the form-container. A div with class of form-notification creates a notification template, with the id being the name of the notification template. Each notification template must contain a tag with class form-notification-subject, and a div with class form-notification-body. An example notification template is shown below. Note that declaring a notification template only creates that notification template, it does not tie it to a form section or an action. Tying form sections, notification templates, and actions together is done using notification hooks explained later.
Using Variables in Notification
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Many variables are available in the notification templates. These are indicated with double curly braces. Example {{name_of_variable}}. In addition to specific variables available, you can also access any submitted data from any form section visible to the section your custom notification template is associated with via a notification hook. Example: {{section_data.SECTIONNAME.FIELDNAME}}.