Outbound IST

Outbound IST

Routing an IST to an Approver

Who can route a form?

Anyone in the current school’s group can route a form

When an Inter School Transfer is submitted by a student, it is delivered to their current school’s group along with an email to all group members notifying them of the form.  Someone from the group will route the form to an advisor who will acknowledge the outbound transfer.  For most schools this is typically the same person that receives the form initially.

To start the process, log into Online Forms and view your Active Forms Queue, similar to the excerpt below.  New forms will be visible in Assigned to My Groups.  All forms requiring action that you can update will be located here, if no forms requiring processing have been assigned, no forms will be listed.

In order to route a form to the approver of the current school, click the Edit button to the right of a form in Assigned to My Groups.

After Edit is clicked scroll through the form until you get to the Route to Approver section (excerpt below) located after the student information. Enter the NetID of the form approver in the Approver NetID field then click Route.  The Approver will be sent an email indicating a new form is in their queue.

This will return you to your Active Forms Queue where you will receive verification that the form has been submitted (excerpt below). 

 If an invalid NetID is entered the system will tell you.  If you enter the wrong NetID, a message is sent to the wrong person, possibly a student.


Approving an Outgoing IST

Who can approve an outgoing IST?

Approving an outgoing IST is performed by an administrator, advisor, or dean

From the Active Form Queue, click the Edit button for the form needing approval (excerpt above if it is the same person, except below if it is a different person).

After Edit is clicked scroll through the form until you get to the signature section (excerpt below) located after the student information and Route to Approver sections. Here the current school acknowledges the student is requesting transfer to another school by entering the name of the responsible person.

If an IST is reconsidered, the Delete button could be clicked which would archive the form, stopping the process and removing it from your Active Form Queue. Once a form is archived it remains in the system but it can no longer be viewed.

Once submitted you will be returned to your Active Form Queue where a confirmation message will appear as it did in Route to Approver.  An email indicating there is a new form in their queue will be sent to whoever initially routed the IST.


 Sending IST to Proposed School

Who can send an IST to the proposed school?

Whoever initially routed the outgoing IST to the approver will send it.

From your Active Form Queue click the Edit button for the form you want to send (excerpt above).

Scroll through the form until you get to the Submit to Proposed School section (excerpt below) located after the student information, Route to Approver and signature sections.  Click Submit.  An email will be sent to the proposed school group indicating there is a new form in the queue.

You will be returned to your Active Form Queue with a confirmation message that the form was submitted (excerpt below).

Note:   If there are no forms requiring action in your Active Form Queue, the queue will tell you.