Online Forms Home
The Online Forms engine is a service developed by the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences to meet the University-wide need to more easily make forms available on the web. This engine is available to other schools and units at Northwestern at no cost.
Online Forms production site (you must request access before you can start building forms)
Processing Forms
A number of forms have been developed in the Online Forms engine. At each step of a workflow a step can be approved, saved for later, returned to a prior section, or the form can be rejected. See Working in the Forms System for general information and Processing Specific Forms for details on an individual form.
Building Your Own Forms
Participating units, as customers of the service, are able to build and manage their own forms. Customers must provide their own technical support for the creation, management, and usage of their forms; Weinberg will offer training, documentation, and assistance to the customer’s local support. Weinberg Information Technology will support and maintain the underlying forms engine.
Weinberg commits to treating this as a priority service, to responding to incidents promptly, to being transparent with the customer when incidents arise, and to involve customer feedback in the evolution of the service.
Please see Form Builder Documentation for detailed instructions. When you're ready you may request access and start building forms.