Inbound IST

Inbound IST

Routing an IST to an Approver

Who can route an inbound IST?

Anyone in the proposed school’s group can route a form

Once an IST form has been processed by the current school, the proposed school needs to process the form as well.  After logging into Online Forms view the Assigned to My Groups portion of the Active Form Queue and click the Edit button to the right of the form you want to process (excerpt below).


Scroll through the form until you get to the Route to Approver section (excerpt below) located after the student information and signature of present school sections.  Enter the NetID of the form approver in the Approver NetID field and click Route.  An email will be sent to the approver indicating that there is a new form in the queue.


You will be returned to your Active Form Queue with a confirmation message that the form was submitted (excerpt below).

 If an invalid NetID is entered the system will tell you.  If you enter the wrong NetID, a message is sent to the wrong person, possibly a student.


 Approve, Reject, or Return an IST

Who can Approve, Reject, or Return a form?

These actions are normally performed by a dean or adviser

Once an IST form has been routed by the proposed school, the approver must look at their Active Form Queue (excerpt below), click the Edit button for the form they want to process then scroll past the student information, Signature of Present School and Route to Approver sections to the proposed/second school signature section.


In the proposed/second school signature section select a radio button for the action you want performed then enter your name (excerpt below) before continuing.

Approve will continue the IST process. If you select the Approve radio button, the button to continue will read Approve.

Reject means that the student is not accepted into the proposed school, and they will receive an email to that effect.  If you select the Reject radio button, the button to continue will read Reject.

Return to Student routes the form back to the student so that they may clarify or add additional information.  When a form is returned to a student, the approval process starts over again, not back to where the form was returned to the student.  If you select Return to Student, the radio button to continue will read Return Form.

After you have clicked the Approve, Reject or Return Form button you will be returned to your Active Form Queue where there will be a message confirming the form was submitted (excerpt below).  An email will be sent to whoever initially routed the IST form for the proposed school indicating they have a new form.


Sending IST to Registrar’s Office

Who sends the form to the RO?

Whoever in the proposed school that initially routed the IST sends the form to the RO

Forms that have been approved need to be sent to the Registrar’s Office.  Before sending the form to the RO, update whatever internal documentation you have that needs to be updated so it includes the transferring student.

To submit a form to the RO whoever in the proposed school initially routed the form needs to locate the IST in their queue (excerpt above), click the Edit button then scroll to the bottom of the form and click the Submit button in the Submit to Registrar’s Office section (excerpt below).


Once the form is submitted you will be returned to your Active Form Queue where a confirmation message will be displayed.  The form will be sent to the RO where they will process the request, print the form to Image Now, and archive the form.