Customizing Active Form Queue listings

Customizing Active Form Queue listings

Basic Information

The way form submission listings appear in the Active Form Queue can be customized on a per form template basis since version 1.5.0.  Once a customization is configured for a form template, any listings for submissions belonging to that form template will appear in the new format for any user who can see those listings.  Keep in mind that customizations will cause the Active Form Queue to load slightly slower than it would otherwise due to the pattern matching and data substitution that takes place.  This should only be a problem for users with hundreds of entries in their Active Form Queue.

Default format of an entry in the Active Form Queue

Title: Name of form (in bold)

Section: Name of currently active section of form submission

Additional information: none

Customizing how the listings appear for a form template

Go to the form template index.

Click on "View" for the form template you would like to customize.

Click on "Customize Form Queue".

Now you can set the title, section, and additional information lines to anything you would like.  You can use the same substitution variables as are available in custom email templates.



To set the Title of the Active Form Queue listing to be the name of the form, along with the fields last_name and first_name from a section named MYFIRSTSECTIONNAME in the form, use the following configuration string for the title:

{{form_name}}: {{section_data.MYFIRSTSECTIONNAME.last_name}}, {{section_data.MYFIRSTSECTIONNAME.first_name}}

The resulting title line in the form submission listing in the Active Form Queue might then be:

Test Form: Smith, Joe

The section and additional info lines can be customized in the same manner as the title line.

Matching variables when names or section names have changed between versions

Any tags or variable name within the double squiggly braces that is invalid or does not result in a match will be removed from the output.

In case you have changed any variable names or section names between versions you can use this to match on the names in every version, and the unmatched pattern will be discarded.

In the case that you changed the variable names from last_name and first_name to lastname and firstname you could use the following pattern:

{{form_name}}: {{section_data.MYFIRSTSECTIONNAME.last_name}}{{section_data.MYFIRSTSECTIONNAME.lastname}}, {{section_data.MYFIRSTSECTIONNAME.first_name}}{{section_data.MYFIRSTSECTIONNAME.firstname}}